Archives for February, 2013

Why a Naked Man Shaving His Head in the Steam Room is a Leadership Problem

I was recently in the steam room of the fitness room where I workout, and I noticed that a naked man with a razor began to shave his head. There were several of us in the room, and a few stared at him as he violated the policy. This particular fitness facility has private areas […]

3 Signs You Should Get Rid of Your Mentor

A mentor can make a big difference in your career. You want to find a person who is genuinely concerned about helping you succeed. Surprisingly, there are many people who wish you well, and can help you learn the ropes within your organization. A mentor doesn’t do the work for you. Instead, they provide guidance, […]

3 Names I Don’t Like to be Called!

We all have different names that we don’t like others to call us. For some reason, they don’t sound right, or they make us feel uncomfortable. I guess it’s similar to calling someone by their middle name, even though they’ve made it clear that they don’t like it. We do just to make life harder […]

3 Tips to Impress During Your First Month at Work

In the old days, we had time to learn a job. I remember my first employment position out of college was with Shell Oil Company in Houston. In the interview process, I was informed that my mentor would work with me for 30 days to make sure I understood the work. I could go to […]

How to Manage a Rude Customer

Is the customer always right? The general answer I hear is that the customer must be given the benefit of the doubt, and that we should do whatever possible to keep him happy. Southwest Airlines founder, Herb Kelleher, stated that his employees were more important than the customers. He described a situation where a passenger […]

Avoiding Overtraining – Part 1

A problem that plagues many fitness enthusiasts is the tendency to push too hard in a training and diet plan. It’s easy to convince yourself, “Okay, the more I train and the larger my calorie deficit is, the faster I’ll reach my goals.” While the preceding statement is partly true, an approach like it is […]

Here are 10 Reasons to Turn Down a Job Offer

In some cases, we need to walk away from a job offer. I understand that money can be tight, but assuming a job that we don’t like can cause more problems than it solves. Here are 10 reasons to say “No” to a job offer: (1)  When you interviewed, you felt some questions were answered vaguely, […]